Friday, April 17, 2009

Paid GPT Trials: Napster

Over at Deal Barbie Pays, among other GPT sites, Napster offers a generous trial offer. It credits very well, and they have a great service. Personally, I am still a member to this day, but if you do indeed need to cancel, you can do so online. It is a great product and a great offer. If you think that you might have a legitimate interest in trying it out, give it a shot.

Disclaimer: Nothing in this post is intended or allowed to be used in a manner that could be considered fraud. This includes, but is not limited to, providing false information, requesting credit for the same offer multiple times, signing up for an offer that you have no interest in, or canceling a trial before you have received the product/service to test. This is needed to make sure that the advertisers get a fair deal.
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