Sunday, April 19, 2009

April GPT Powerhouses

These sites have distinguished themselves in the month of April with outstanding performance.
Check out their end of the month contests

1)DealBarbiepays- Consistent, Good contests, Great Payout, and a great Admin

2) Click Or Signup- See review below.

3) AnythingFree4You-Yet to be reviewed, I have not been a member long enough to make a definitive judgment. But hey, Give it a try. Seems to be pretty good.

4) Fire House Offers- Review in Progress

Well, I have a bunch more to show you, but here is a short list of April's best GPT sites.

Have fun.

April GPT

Grab those GPT promotions

GPT Tip Time!

This GPT tip could very well increase your earnings by %20 or even more. Remember it at all times. First off, a real day to day scenario.

Lets say that you need to fill up your gas tank, and like most of us, $2.50 per gallon breaks the bank. You drive up to the gas station and you see that the attendant is bathing in a gigantic pool of money. You also see that the price of the gas is nearing $3 per gallon. And $2.50 wasn't bad enough.

You look across the street and you see that there is a new station. The attendant seems to be hard at work helping customers. Moreover, he is offering 10% off his gas (which is already cheaper) for the next two days.

Here you must choose brand loyalty or rational thought. If you choose brand loyalty, its going to cost you $54 for 18 gallons. If you choose rational thought, you put the car in drive, and you race toward the new station. At $2.50/gallon with 10% off, you total $40.50. You saved $13.50 for driving across the street. Your transaction cost was close to zero, furthermore, you are helping the greedy attendant learn that success doesn't come by greed (Think AIG). You just saved his business and your wallet.

The same is true for GPT sites. Give the business to those sites which offer you the best pay and the best contests, promos, and bonuses (Don't think AIG here). Breaking brand loyalty does not mean that you can never go back to the site/gas station, it means that you will always make the right choice. It is important to have a few GPT sites, each with its own set of pros and cons. For example, Deal Barbie Pays has some great contests at the end of the month. I will go there on the best days, and I will go elsewhere on days where they are not competitive.

See you guys on the net!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Paid GPT Trials: Napster

Over at Deal Barbie Pays, among other GPT sites, Napster offers a generous trial offer. It credits very well, and they have a great service. Personally, I am still a member to this day, but if you do indeed need to cancel, you can do so online. It is a great product and a great offer. If you think that you might have a legitimate interest in trying it out, give it a shot.

Disclaimer: Nothing in this post is intended or allowed to be used in a manner that could be considered fraud. This includes, but is not limited to, providing false information, requesting credit for the same offer multiple times, signing up for an offer that you have no interest in, or canceling a trial before you have received the product/service to test. This is needed to make sure that the advertisers get a fair deal.

GPT Promo Alert: DealBarbiePays!

Deal Barbie Pays is definitely paying out big cash almost every day this month. The promos and contests held at DBP seem to be a notch above the rest. The schedule is as follows.

4/21: $1 Bonus for every 3 offers

4/22: 3% ore on all CashBack
4/23: 30% More Cash!!!!!!!
4/24: 30% More Signs
4/25: $1 Bonus for every 3 offers
4/26: Every 3 offers/1 Promo Code (code is worth $.10 to $2)
4/27: Earn $3/$1 Bonus (Only one bonus)
4/28: 30% More Signs
4/29: Extra $3 for every trial offer completed
4/30: Every 3 offers/ 1 Random bonus (worth $.10 to $5)

I have the bonuses that I think have the most potential in BOLD.

Good Luck Everyone.

If you are not yet a member of Deal Barbie Pays, it helps me out a ton if you sign up through this link: DealBarbiePays.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

New Website!

I am excited to announce that I am planning on opening a new and improved web site on GPT and on other sources of online income. Stay tuned.

The site is currently in development, but I have already obtained a domain name. Check out when you get a change. Right now, you will just see a page not found error, but I expect the website to be up very soon, so keep checking back.

Check out

Hope you love it. Remember, I value your feedback. Please e-mail me some feedback.


On this blog I constantly try to deliver up to date reviews on the best GPT sites out there. Well, here is a new one!

This site is somewhat smaller than the other sites that I have reviewed, but it is great. At your first glance, ClickOrSignup appears to be a cookie cutter, shiftcode based site. That is totally not the case.

has some pretty great features. They are constantly running specials, promos, and trivia games. They payout every week, so you won't need to wait like you do on the Net 35 sites. Better yet, they have many unique offers. This is a great place for both Paid and Free offers. Payout is standard, but offer variety is great for a site of this size. Best of all, the Admin is amazing.

I have had a few dealings with the Admin, Lora Sipple, and she has been as helpful as anyone could have been. When you need help or have a question, she is always there. 4/5 for this site.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Paid Trial Offers

If you start doing freebie GPT offers, you can make some nice pocket change, but if you are willing to do paid trials, you can make a killing. Last month, I made over $500. That was up from $190 the previous month. I did not spend more time, but I spent my time wisely.

These trial offers usually cost between $0-$10 and payout up to $50. These offers also take less time than regular offers. As a bonus, they credit nearly 100% of the time if you do them correctly.

The reason that these offers pay so well is because many people are worried about giving their credit card out online. Never fear. There are ways around this problem.

If you are interested in paid trials, but you are afraid to give out your cc number you have 3 options.

1)Give in to your worries and give up the dough... No!

That leaves 2 and 3.

2) Paypal offers "secure virtual cards" to people who have belonged to Paypal for 30 or more days. Most of you would therefore be eligible. These cards are not really cards. They are just numbers. Each time you want to do a trial offer, you can just go to Paypal and have them generate a one-time use secure card number. These cards expire after a single charge is placed on them. That way, no one can use the number except for its one purpose, the trial. You can get as many of these cards as you want anytime.

3) Some banks offer services similar to Paypal's "secure virtual cards" for the bank's credit card holders. Check the website of the bank that issued your CC to see if they have such a program.

Now that I have told you the secret to Paid Trials you can earn a ton of money. But first, a few caveats.

1) Many sites ban the use of virtual or prepaid credit cards for the paid trial offers. Using a virtual or prepaid CC on offers from these sites is considered fraud, and will be punished as such.

2) If you are looking for a virtual credit card friendly site with plenty of offers, you should check out DealBarbiePays. Coincidentally, DBP is my favorite site.

3) As with all GPT offers, only sign up for offers in which you have legitimate interest. Doing otherwise is fraud.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

RoboForm and GPT offers: Helpful tool or Harmful bot

Recently, many sites banned the use of Roboform because they have begun to consider it a "bot or macro". Needless to say, many people still use the software, and as of now, I do not know of anyone being banned for it. However, I have found that it can impact which offers credit. I am not sure how, or if, it is detected, but I just wanted to bring this to everyone's attention. If you continue to use Roboform on GPT offers, make sure to spend a "normal" amount of time. I do not know this for a fact, but offers seem to credit normally if the forms are submitted with some time in between. This is most likly the cause of the problem. If you use Roboform, use it to save work, not time. Wait after it is done on each page before continuing. As long as you arn't hitting 30 radio buttons in less than half of a second, you should be fine.

Good Luck!
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