Thursday, March 5, 2009

A must read!

Is it your dream to earn hundreds of thousands of dollars
while simply browsing the web from your 4th home in Maui?
If it is, you are in the wrong place. I will not belittle your
intelligence by trying to convince you otherwise. Like
everything else, you get what you work for. There is no
Nigerian Prince who is going to let you inherit his kingdom,
just as Bernard Madoff never intended to pay his clients over 15%,
not to mention that he ran off with the principle investment.

Well, I think that you get my point. People who promise what
they can't deliver are not your friends. They are looking out for

On this blog, we are going to talk about making real money.
But you probably shouldn't quit your job or buy another home
just yet. We will push away the deceptive veil of advertisers
and marketing, not give them one more outlet to steal from.

This blog is designed for the person who has a job, but like all
of us right now, could use a little bit of extra cash, or to someone who
doesn't have a job, but wouldn't mind putting in a few no commitment
hours here or there to get their finances back on track. I am here for you.
I am here to help everyone who wants an opportunity, not a quick fix to
every problem they have ever had.

Now that we know that we are not talking about millions of dollars
in five minutes, we can begin to earn. My first suggestion would be to
take one quick look around yourself. Okay. Now ask yourself, if I had
a few extra dollars, what would I want.

Some of you may have looked at overdue bills, while others may want a
little something here or there to break up to monotony of the blue collar
life and get something to reward themselves for all of the hard work that
they put in to paying those bills. Either way, be realistic. If you want a little
bit of found spending money, don't say a 52" plasma tv. Start small.

Figure out what you would want to do with $50-$200. Now make that a goal.
Say that you want something that costs $200, you should be able to achieve
that in two months... easily. So, make yourself a goal.

"If I spend _____ hours per day, I will be able to get _____."

Now, that number can be anything from 15 minutes to 8 hours. And
per day could be per week, per month, per year or anything else.
The one thing that truly distinguishes online "cash flow" from
hourly wages or a salary is that you have no commitment. You
can show up when you want, leave when you want, and
you can show up only when you feel like it. You only need to
put in the time you want to. But the more you put in, the more
you get out.

Just to give everyone out there reading this some perspective on
the potential earnings, here has been my experience (I have only
been doing this for two months, so my numbers are those of a beginner).

I work for around 45 minutes at a time, 4-5 times per week. I have just hit
my first goal of $250. It took me exactly 6 and a half weeks. To celebrate, I am
starting this blog.

So, 45 minutes X 4.5 (average times peer week) X 6.5 (Number of Weeks)=
a bit under 22 hours. So, $250/22 hours= $11.36 per hour. Not a glamor job,
but that is $15,250 per year on top of what ever job you have already!
You may not want to put in as much time as I do, but who can say that
an additional $10,000 per year would not be meaningful. You have to work
for it, but it is not hard work. It is not demanding work. It is also not
required work. You can do it when you feel like it, and only then.
Personally, the only change that I made to my day is turning a half hour
of boredom in to a half hour of television... *cough* I mean work.

The simple laws of addition allow you to get a taste of the to good
to be true world, in the safety of the normal, hard working world. Sure,
you will not be a millionaire overnight, or ever (at least from online income),
but you can add a good bit to your salary by putting in a little bit of time
on a long enough basis. It adds up. Trust me.

In this blog (which is just getting started, so have a bit of patience), I will show you various ways to make money online, with a focus on GPT sites. I will also tell which sites have paid, which sites have good offers that pay well, and which sites to avoid at all costs (there are almost none). I will primarily include personal experience (so that I know that it i s accurate), but for sites of which I am not a member, I will qoute user reviews, but I will be sure to tell you which site I have had experience with.
Just to take away any suspicion that I have personal gain through
this blog, I will fully disclose everthing that I stand to gain by helping
The banners and links to various sites contain my refferal link. If you join, they
will give you one too. It lets me earn a small commission based on who joins and
how many offers they go on to complete. In no way will this bias my reporting
on said sites. I would greatly appreciate you using my links, but if you object to that,
just google the name of the site that you wish to join to get around my link.
I thank all who do chose to help me with out giving up anything, but I understand
if some of you chose to not use my links. The choice is yours. I intend to be your guide,
not your employer. I am doing this for you, the people, so although I hope to get refferals,
I expect nothing in return for the information on this blog. It is mine to give, and I chose to
give it freely. Enjoy!
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